Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cody Hughes Davidson Band is Hanging It UP

The band I have been blessed to play with for the last 2 years has decided to take a break from the stage. Cody and his wife have recently had their first child and he wants to make sure not to miss a moment with his new son. I do not and can not blame him for putting his priorities and heart at home with his new family and wish him the best. It was a wonderful 2 years and I had a great time meeting so many new people and playing all around this great state. There's talk to possibly still record our second album since we have more than enough songs written to share, but that's yet to be confirmed. I'll still be posting my random stories here as I go along enjoying the music and surrounding scene. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy a few free weekends off and start getting my ear to the ground for any other local bands looking for a harmonica mandolin guy.


